To advertise or for other inquiries (General, Technical or Legal) regarding DHARMONYWORLD.COM, please send us a message below.

To advertise or for other inquiries (General, Technical or Legal) Video / Content Submissions

Thank you for submitting your video or content to our website.

Send video and ad submissions to (posters@dharmonyworld.com). Include in your submission the title, description, credit, and the video url (Youtube, Vimeo etc). All video submissions will get proper credit if accepted. All content is required to be uplifting, positive, truthful and Godly. Negative, degrading, exploitative, blasphemous and explicit content will not be accepted.

By submitting your video, you are representing to DHARMONYWORLD.COM that you have all necessary rights in the video to authorize our use and reuse of the audio and visual material it contains, that your submission of the video is governed by our On Line Video Submission Agreement, and that you have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.